Consultancy and investment
Consultancy and advice on blockchain, art investment strategies, portfolio management and more
Margin (Art & Media) possess experts whom advise on art portfolio assets. We work with analysts to evaluate our clients art. Critically giving our analysis of art as perceived by the market at any given moment in time.
We follow the ebb and flow of market conditions. Our consultancy evaluation service reduces the risks for our clients.
With significant assets under management, our analysts are happy to advise you on strategies to achieve the best rate of return on your art asset. Be it as a buyer or a seller.
We manage art portfolios from every continent.
"We give consultancy advice on crypto currencies for our clients. This includes monitoring the movements of all the mayor crypto currencies on the market. Non Fundable tokens (NFT's) are becoming more popular for artistic investments. We are happy to advice you."
Len Gay, Associate Director U.S., IT and logistics